Vax Lobby Challenged

The cartoon attempting to justify the deportation of Novak Djokovic from Australia because of his opposition to the Covid vaccination (The Mercury, January 18) actually says more about the public’s mental state than Djokovic’s.

Regardless of Australia’s highly regulated state, Djokovic’s deportation is not based on science. The coming weeks and months will increasingly expose the absolute falsehood upon which the vaccination campaign is based.

Evidence is dripping out worldwide as to the ineffectiveness of any of the so-called vaccines in either stopping transmission or producing immunity. In the past week, the European Medicines Agency has conceded that booster shots are weakening immune systems and causing the vaxxed to be more prone to disease. The World Health Organisation has waved the white flag on boosters, calling them “inappropriate.” The Pfizer CEO, Albert Bourla,  concedes that two doses of Pfizer vax “offer very little protection if any” against omicron.

Data from Alberta, Canada, Israel and the UK shows increased hospitalisations from the vaxxed and a spike in death rates. In the UK, up to 29 December, 74% of hospitalisations were of vaxxed people.

Based on the above, can the pro-vax lobby please present a cogent case to be vaxxed?

 Sent into The Mercury on 18 Jan 2022 and never published.


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