Regarding the DA’s legal challenge about the excessive restrictions applied during the COVID crisis, it was not the brief of the Supreme Court of Appeal to scrutinise the composition of the role players and the agenda of the intergovernmental committee that was complicit in the decision-making process of then minister of Co-operative Governance, Nkosazana Dlamini Zuma (The Mercury, May 3).
But if such scrutiny is made, it would explain why the DA’s demand for Parliamentary oversight was superseded by protocols laid down by the World Health Organisation (WHO) and its major funding source, the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation.
The role players complicit in the draconian Covid restrictive measures all have a common benefactor: the Gates Foundation. Not only are the SA Medical Research Council and the SA Health Products Regulatory Authority recipients of Gates funding, but the guru of local organised medicine, Professor Salim Abdool Karim, has been a member of the Gates Foundation’s Scientific Advisory Board for over 12 years. He is also one of the nine members of the WHO’s Science Council.
Thus, the protocols that coerced lockdowns, school, beach and church closures, social distancing, mandatory mask-wearing, banned alcohol and cigarette sales and limited shopping crowds, was ordained by the WHO. What occurred was enforced compliance with protocols – not science.
Authored by Dr Martin Kulldorf of Harvard, Dr Sunetra Gupta of Oxford and Dr Jay Bhattacharya of Stanford, the Great Barrington Declaration, issued on October 4, 2020, condemned the COVID restrictions as unscientific and uncalled for. It was endorsed by 15,468 medical scientists and 45,609 medical practitioners from Europe, North America, India, New Zealand and Israel.
Subsequently, Dr Paul Alexander of the Brownstone Institute compiled a list of 400 studies which proved that lockdowns, school closures and mask mandates failed to curb virus transmission or reduce deaths. A meta-analysis conducted at John Hopkins University concurred with Dr Alexander’s findings. Sweden and South Dakota never applied the Covid restrictions. Yet their rates of illness and death were no different from previous years.
The lesson from the contrived COVID crisis is that the agenda of those who fund medical and pharmaceutical institutions demands scrutiny. The nature of the restrictions to which the ANC regime subjected South Africa should leave no doubt that suppression of liberty, in Orwellian fashion, was ideological and not scientific.
In that regard, during the coming May 27 – June 4 period the WHO will be seeking international adherence to its health preparedness protocols which will supersede the sovereignty of compliant nations in health matters. Given its concerns about health restrictions and as a prospective governing power after May 29, the DA should clearly indicate its opposition to the threat the WHO’s agenda poses to South Africa’s sovereignty.
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