Verulam’s Indictment Of The ANC

There can be no greater indictment of the utter failure of the ANC to deliver a “better life for all” than The Mercury’s January 25 front-page report on the suffering of Trenance Park residents in Verulam for being without water for nearly 100 days.

Significantly, alongside that report is a scathing indictment by business leaders concerning Durban’s deteriorating infrastructure. Almost 30 years of ANC cadre deployment, racist B-BBEE, looting, and gross incompetence are laid bare for all to see.

The plight of those Verulam residents should be a sobering lesson to those of us who complain when pipe ruptures deprive us of water for only a day or two. Yet Verulam’s waterless plight is the sorry reflection of the disaster of ANC governance. It underlines the veracity of the words of Dr RW Johnson, author of How Long Will South Africa Survive? written in 2016: ‘The ANC is the most destructive force ever to have inflicted South Africa.’

There is only one conclusion for those suffering Verulam residents to draw from their shocking water deprivation experience: ensure that you are registered to vote. Then, on election day, ensure that not a single vote is cast for the ANC. The time for liberation from the ANC is overdue.

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