Unemployment Article: Pathetic Humbug

In lamenting the fact that unemployment stands at almost ten million, it is amazing that Kabelo Khumalo (Business Report, January 9) fails to question the reasons unemployment has tripled since 1994.

Down the years numerous studies have pointed to ANC economic policies as being the root cause of unemployment and sluggish economic growth. BEE in all its evolving forms has failed to generate meaningful employment prospects and instead produced a small elite at the expense of the working class. Along with affirmative action, BEE  has deterred foreign investment and hobbled economic growth.

Prescriptive labour laws allied with politically powerful trade unions have further discouraged economic growth and investment. Of course, ideology is the bedrock of the hobbled state of our economy. Socialism is historically unregenerative, yet the ANC  adheres to it by way of bloated government and rising national debt. Indeed the only answer the ANC has produced to unemployment is social grants on which 18 million people now rely. As the saying goes, “subsidise poverty and you get more of it.”

It does not say much for Business Report’s objectivity that it  can publish an article which claims to address unemployment yet ignores the fundamental causes of the situation and tamely suggests that the panacea of our woes is simply to make a “concerted effort to lend a hand and make a difference.” What a load of pathetic humbug!

Sent into The Business Report and published, 11 January 2019.

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