Looting of funds in eThekwini municipality has become synonymous with ANC misrule as reports in The Mercury over the past three months indicate.
In any half-decent public enterprise, the fact that R32 million earmarked for low-cost housing cannot be accounted for while not a single new house has been built (The Mercury, October 13) would require the resignation of those accountable. Yet this loss has occurred on the watch of the city manager, Musa Mbhele, whose annual salary was recently increased by 66% to an outrageously excessive R3,9m.
The mayor, recently junketing overseas on ratepayers’ money, thought nothing of blowing R9 million on a mayoral izimbizo for an absolutely worthless tick-box exercise. This same profligate individual also wasted R1,7 million on a dinner to thank council employees for doing their jobs.
But where the looting gets to the heart of the culture within the ANC concerns R27 million paid for security guards for councillors (The Mercury, September 13). If the culture of criminality that has taken over the ANC did not exist, there would be no need for its councillors to have ratepayer-funded private security.
In that government at all levels is seen as a looting trough, criminal syndicates use death threats to ensure the diversion of funding into private accounts. That modus operandi has resulted in the killing of 31 ANC councillors to date. They must have incurred the displeasure of a syndicate or been indentured by an opposing syndicate whose occupation of the looting trough needed to be terminated.
What this amounts to is that democracy for the ANC goes no higher than the ground floor. It is controlled by powerful, ruthless cartels and syndicates as Andre De Ruyter experienced in his time trying to head Eskom. It’s the reason accountability is not a principle within the ANC. If it were applied, its whole rotten edifice would implode as, with rare exceptions, its members are involved or implicated in corruption in some manner.
Put another way, it means the ANC pays lip service to representing those who vote for it because it is obligated to its unelected masters. Thus, by having to pay for bodyguards for ANC councillors, ratepayers are unwittingly funding a crime-infested scenario.
The boast of the ANC for having brought democracy to the masses and promising ‘a better life for all’ has proved to be a monumental and unforgivable betrayal.
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