Student Anarchy

Nicola Jones’ scathing review of the demands and conduct of those who call themselves students (The Witness, February 8) must resonate positively with all bonafide students and graduates.

Tertiary education is not an unqualified right. The halls of higher learning are not the place for hooligans and arsonists. Having a degree is no guarantee of a job or of a particular lifestyle. Yet the seeds of such expectations have been politically sown and are now fomenting violence and anarchy.

The root cause of all that is wrong in this country is excessive tolerance. Perpetrators are seldom punished for their wrongdoing. The result is that an ‘anything goes’ culture has evolved which is headed in one direction – anarchy.

The situation calls for draconian action to salvage appreciation for the culture of learning on our campuses.

Sent into The Witness and published,  10 February 2019.

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