Since the onset of the Covid-19 infection and the subsequent availability of vaccines, psychology has been exploited relentlessly in justifying lockdowns, facemask conformity, social distancing, quarantines and vaccine acceptance. The front-page reports in The Mercury in recent days of Covid-19 and measures to encourage vaccination to attest to that.
But the orthodox narrative is crumbling. Former Sunday Times editor Brian Pottinger in his latest book titled States of panic: Covid-19 and the New Medieval, lifts the lid on what has been deliberately suppressed by the mainstream media and politicians.
The release of mortality figures for 2020 in the UK and US indicate an inexplicable decline in rates from cancer, asthma, bronchitis and emphysema compared with averages of the previous five years. The NHS in Britain has confessed that one in four of its Covid hospital admissions were actually being treated for other conditions. In the face of numerous, worldwide court actions, the WHO has admitted that the Covid death toll it claimed was “nothing of the sort.”
Thus, it is now in the open that Covid-19 has been deliberately entered as a cause of death in order to contrive the perception that it is a pandemic. Pottinger’s research shows that in fact, although a serious viral outbreak, Covid-19 is no worse than the severe influenza afflictions of 1957 and 1968 from which humanity survived without lockdowns, masks and vaccines. Sweden has just confirmed that by not having any Covid restrictions yet posting the lowest infection and mortality rates in Europe.
Statistics published on August 16 prove the fallacy of the so-called pandemic. Of 386,341 Covid-19 cases in KZN, 12,535 deaths are attributed to the virus. That means a 96,76% recovery rate which is proof that Covid-19 is not a pandemic and that none of the government restrictions on the economy and society is justified nor is the psychological pressure to submit to the unproven efficacy of the vaccines.
The irony of the whole situation and the reaction to it proves the adage that most people value safety and security more than freedom even if what is presented as promising safety is neither proven nor necessary.
Sent to The Mercury and never Published
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