Despite the fact that entities within the ports authority have long been compliant with B-BBEE scores of between Levels 1-4, the sudden signing of a MOU to refresh impetus towards B-BBEE has all the hallmarks of political electioneering aimed at May 29 (The Mercury, March 14).
If the ANC were not so ideologically hidebound, it would have noticed that the functionality of the ports has not improved as a result of B-BBEE. The reasons are obvious: fast-tracking people up the ladder of promotion into the top echelons based on skin colour and in fulfilment of equity is not how one improves functionality. The hard fact is that equity has no place in the hierarchy of competence.
Citing the constitution’s call for active measures to promote the so-called previously disadvantaged may have merit in theory, but not in pursuits that require years of experience and institutional memory. Yet this is what is occurring to fulfil the ideology of racial transformation.
But as life teaches, actions generate reactions. Repelled by the idea of having to give up 30% or more of their business, which they have built in the face of economic adversity and competition, the response of many big firms has been to break up their cake into smaller entities so as to get around the mire of B-BBEE regulations. Of course, none of that stimulates functionality. Instead, it bloats bureaucracy and adds to operating costs.
If B-BBEE was to benefit the previously disadvantaged, then the rate of unemployment would not have tripled since 1994. According to Dr Anthea Jeffery of the Institute of Race Relations, B-BBEE has benefited only some 15% of the previously disadvantaged.
The most scathing condemnation of B-BBEE was made by Professor William Gumede which he posted on Wits University’s website on November 18, 2020. He described B-BBEE as “arguably one of the most wasteful, costly, ineffective redistribution strategies devised in any post-colonial society since 1945.”
By promoting their same failed policies the ANC commits electoral fraud with their slogan: ‘We will do better. We will do more and we will do it faster!’ One wonders who they think they are fooling.
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