Lifting The Lid On Biden’s America

Whereas every aspect of Trump’s presidency was subjected to negative scrutiny and disparagement, to date Biden’s Executive Orders and the proposed legislation of the Democrats enjoy a kid-gloves treatment from the mainstream media and silence from those who hailed Biden as “a breath of fresh air” which “made America a better place.”

After all the denials about electoral fraud, Time magazine, in an article  titled “The Secret history of the shadow campaign that saved the 2020 election,”   has noted  that efforts were made “not at rigging the election but fortifying it.” It justified  the work of “a well-funded cabal of powerful people working together behind the scenes to influence perceptions, change rules and steer media coverage” as “necessary steps towards saving our democracy.”

In referring to “our democracy,” Time does not refer to the American people but to “a broad coalition of interests – Congress, Silicon Valley and the nation’s statehouses.” Its interpretation of democracy thus leaves no doubt that a Biden/Harris victory served the “coalition of interests” and that 75 million Trump voters are irrelevant.

Beyond Time’s acknowledgement of electoral manipulation, what are not making headlines are the details of two Democrat Bills: HR 1, will effectively destroy the worth of US citizenship and perpetuate election corruption. HR 127, will emasculate the second amendment – the right to bear arms.

HR 1, For the People’s Act, legitimises all the faults and failings which were exposed in the 2020 election. It establishes, inter alia:

  • Mandatory mail-in voting; allows ballots without postmarks and voting in precincts where you don’t live; removes signature verification; eliminates the need for voter ID or a Social Security number; automatically registers anyone as a voter who obtains a driver’s licence;  withdraws the requirement of a witness signature to obtain or cast an absentee ballot. Permits any person to deliver an absentee ballot and puts no limit on how many ballots a person may deliver. Permits ballots being accepted after voting day.
  • Requires lawsuits challenging the voting results to be filed only in DC and all opposition consolidated into a single brief.
  • Dismantles states’ powers to run their own elections as prescribed by section 5 of Article 1 of the US constitution, and prescribes “uniform standards” to “avoid disparity.”

HR 127 aims at civilian disarmament by eroding the second amendment. It requires:

  • Psychological evaluations for prospective gun owners along with at least two household members. Tests would be framed by the A-G and require payment of $800 as “insurance fees.”
  • Disqualifies anyone with a medical record of addiction or depression from obtaining a gun licence.
  • Notification of the A-G if a gun owner sells a weapon or transfers it to someone else. Fines of up to $150,000 and prison sentences of up to 25 years apply.
  • Licensed gun owners’ residence location, contact details, DNA, fingerprints and proof of weapon storage would be public knowledge.
  • The Bill makes provision for victims of gun violence to sue gun manufacturers.

Biden and the Democrats are bent on the progressive erosion of the US constitution as part of the so-called “reset initiative” which has socialist roots.

Published in The Mercury February 2021

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