The responses of Donald Trump’s opponents to the attempt to assassinate him can only be described as sheer hypocrisy.
For former Speaker Nancy Pelosi to express relief that Trump survived the attempt on his life is rather rich, coming in the wake of her recent statement that “Trump must be stopped. We cannot have him as president.” Joe Biden’s comment that such acts of violence “have no place in America,” is equally hypocritical since he has condemned Trump as a “threat to democracy” whose Maga supporters are “domestic terrorists.”
The almost fatal attempt on Trump’s life is the result of eight years of a denigration campaign waged by the mainstream media and the Democratic Party. They created a climate that has fostered political violence and promoted the likelihood of assassination attempts.
When Trump is likened to Hitler, that his supporters are Nazis, that he is unhinged and that he will execute his opponents, then the pretence of relief that Trump survived the assassin’s bullets and that they are praying for him, as expressed by Biden, Pelosi, Obama, Schumer and the Democrat honchos, is biliously disingenuous.
The one certainty to emerge from the attempt on Trump’s life and his stoic response to it is that he will be elected as the 47th President of the USA on November 5 by a landslide.
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