Health MEC’s Vax Claims Debunked

According to KZN Health MEC, Nomagugu Simelane (The Mercury, May 3) the unvaccinated “are more likely to be infected with Covid-19, more likely to transmit it to others and are at a much higher risk of dying.” But overseas research findings debunk those claims entirely.

Sixteen months of observation by the Centre for Disease Control and the UK Health ministry indicate that vaxxing is ineffective in preventing transmission and causes depletion of natural immunity. Dr Meryl Nass examined the data of 30 million Americans, 75% of whom had been vaxxed and found that the vaxxed were three times more likely to develop Covid than the unvaxxed.

Health MEC Simelane’s claim that being vaccinated minimises the risk of dying is completely at odds with reality. The death rate from vaxxing recorded by the very passive VAERS (vaccine adverse effects reporting system) which accounts for less than 10% of cases, shows a steady increase in deaths per week for the period 14 December 2020 to 22 April 2022: 27,532 deaths, 224,766 serious injuries.

What MEC Simelane ignores is the startling increase in cardiac problems. The UK Express newspaper reported on April 21 that a study of 23 million cases showed an unprecedented increase in heart ailments particularly amongst males in the 16 to 39 age group. Similar studies done in Israel, Finland and Norway found a 25% increase in emergency heart treatments.

One America News and Robert F Kennedy’s The Defender reported last month that since vaxxing began, 769 athletes with an average age of 23 had either died or collapsed while on the field suffering heart problems. Fifteen players dropped out of the Miami Tennis Open in April because of heart and other ailments. All had been vaxxed.

Long- time Democrat consultant Naomi Wolf has stated publicly that as early as August 2021, Pfizer and the FDA were aware that the vaccine was neither safe nor effective, that it suppressed the immune system and actually was “seriously dangerous.”

For the jab promoters, Sweden provides the “inconvenient truth.” Author of The Herd, Johan Anderberg, points out that 56 states which applied all the draconian measures against Covid had a higher Covid death rate than Sweden which never enforced any of those measures.

None of this can be dismissed as “misinformation.” But to ignore it and to claim otherwise, as MEC Simelane does, that is misinformation. The MEC and those in the medical profession who are promoting the jab should really consider what they will face when class action suits are mounted as a result of their misinformation. But in the meantime, it is difficult to dismiss the extent to which the jab is being promoted, not by science, but by Big Pharma.

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