Health Authorities Should Avoid New Malaria Vaccine

While the rise in malaria cases is of great concern (The Mercury, November 8), what may be more alarming is the malaria vaccine being promoted by the Gates Foundation.

On October 9 the Gates Foundation announced that it had funded the development by BioNTech of an mRNA-based (Messenger RiboNucleic Acid) malaria vaccine. This development has been hailed by the WHO as a promising advance in combating malaria, which claimed the lives of 600,000 children last year.

Whether this vaccine is successful in reducing malaria cases remains to be seen. But of its side-effects, there is no doubt. Mounting information about the life-threatening effects of mRNA should alert health authorities against promoting it. Here’s why:

  • Canada’s Health Authority has confirmed DNA contamination in mRNA vaccines, which modify the human body through excessive generation of protein (Robert Kennedy’s The Defender, October 20).
  • As early as April 2021, Dr. Fauci, the CDC Director Rachelle Walensky, and the US National Institute of Health were aware that mRNA in vaccines promoted myocarditis (The Defender, October 24).
  • The International Journal of Vaccine Theory, Practice and Research has revealed that Pfizer concealed the cardiac-related deaths that resulted from its mRNA trial tests in order to rush FDA approval of its vaccine (The Defender, October 27).
  • A study of 19,000 recipients of the mRNA vaccine in Italy has confirmed that one in three is afflicted by neurological complications, which include cognitive fog. insomnia and headaches (World Net Daily, October 31).
  • Drs Rancourt and Hickey of Ottawa University, in a 180-page review of 17 countries where mRNA vaxxing was high, found an unprecedented rise in all-cause mortality (World Net Daily, October 13).

What all Covid mRNA studies confirm is the lowering of immunity capacity which means patchy to poor health. As a result, the World Council of Health and many acclaimed scientists and medical specialists have urged the banning of mRNA vaccines.

The fact that the WHO and the Gates Foundation, along with Big Pharma, persist in promoting mRNA vaccines should indicate an agenda that is not humanly benevolent.

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