Falsehood and Irony In Harris’ Nazi Accusations

Besides falsehood, there is a great deal of irony in Kamala Harris’ attempt to demonise Donald Trump as a “fascist” who admired Hitler.

Now that two pillars of the political establishment, the Los Angeles Times and the Washington Post have declined to endorse Harris’ candidacy, she has resorted to personal slander of her opponent as a strategy to re-energise her flagging following.

Her attempt to link Trump to Hitler was derived from a hit piece in the magazine The Atlantic based on remarks by disgruntled former White House chief of staff, General John Kelly, who was fired by Trump in 2019. Kelly alleges that Trump wanted generals who would be loyal to him in the way that Hitler had the loyalty of his generals.

Three other people in the room, including Vice President Mike Pence’s chief of staff, Marc Short, when Kelly alleges Trump made those remarks, have confirmed them as false and fabricated by Kelly. Even CNN panellist, Ryan Girdusky, has dismissed Harris’ attempt to score political points from the issue as failing “to pass the smell test.”

However, it is hardly appropriate for Harris to attempt to link Trump to Nazism when the Biden/Harris regime has perpetrated several actions which reflect the very ideology it claims to abhor.

  • It subjected Americans to mandatory experimental vaccines. The Nazis subjected minorities and those regarded as social misfits to medical experiments.
  • It weaponised the justice system against its opponents, persecuting them as ‘domestic terrorists,’ and recommending imprisonment. The Nazis banned opposition and imprisoned its leaders.
  • It censors free speech and demonises those who dissent from its narrative. The Nazis abolished freedom of expression and took extreme measures against dissenters.
  • Whereas the Nazis violated international borders by invading Austria, Czechoslovakia and Poland, the B/H regime disregards the integrity of its southern border by permitting and promoting its invasion by millions of illegal aliens.

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