Like the contrived ‘joy’ at the Democratic National Congress, the Reuters’ poll claiming Harris has a four percent lead over Trump and that Democrat voters are more energised into voting for Harris than they were for Biden (The Mercury, August 30), is a case of smoke and mirrors.
The reality is that the Democrats are deeply fractured. Millions realise that RF Kennedy is correct in saying the party no longer embraces the values that made him a lifelong Democrat. There are also millions who support the socialist, wokest direction Harris embraces. At the same time, polls have shown consistently that more than half of the Democrats feel the US is headed in the wrong direction.
Harris herself is a good example of how Democrat policies are all over the road. In April 2018, she denounced Trump’s funding of the border wall as a “gross misuse of taxpayer money.” On August 27, Axios News reported that she would spend hundreds of millions on the border wall. Until recently, she favoured decriminalising illegal border crossing. Now she says she would enforce the existing immigration laws.
In 2019 and in 2020, Harris was adamant that fracking must be banned. But in her CNN interview on August 29, she insisted that she is not opposed to fracking. In 2017, she opposed Trump’s policy to double child tax credits. Now she is in favour of extending those credits.
Even her diehard backers are cringing at her performance on the CNN interview, where, in between telling outright lies, she claimed her values had not changed – only her political positions. No wonder only 18 minutes of the 45-minute interview were released for broadcast.
Democrat insiders realise that their fiat-installed candidate is no match for Trump. Democrat campaign compliance manager Joyce de Cerce was reported in World Net Daily on July 30 saying Harris has no accomplishments to speak of and cannot win the election.
Having undemocratically anointed Harris as their candidate, reversing that decision and replacing her with a more acceptable candidate – probably Michelle Obama – should not be surprising. To make that switch, Harris will be given the consolation prize of becoming the Acting President after Biden either resigns voluntarily or is removed by the 25th Amendment.
The 2024 US election has become a contest between “we, the people” and the unelected oligarchy that has usurped power for decades.
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