The one issue that would indicate the extent to which the members of the GNU are birds of a feather concerns climate change.
Despite the historical and scientific fact that manmade emissions have nothing to do with climate change, thanks to the herding abilities of the mass media, bought scientists and the World Economic Forum’s (WEF) agenda of depopulation and Orwellian order, it is shameful that pursuit of the policy called the Just Energy Transition (JET) by President Ramaphosa (Business Report, July 16) is not challenged by some of the GNU members.
An enlightening decision by the GNU would be to abolish the Presidential Commission on Climate Change. It is simply a lackey of the globalists and their insidious agenda to transform countries like South Africa into vassals of their Great Re-Set agenda through insurmountable debt.
It has been estimated that to adhere to the requirements of JET, it would cost in excess of R6 trillion. With ‘loans’ from the stooge governments aligned with the WEF, that target can be attained. Thus, we see Ramaphosa hawking the begging bowl, urging countries to honour their pledges, which, if forthcoming, will hobble South Africa’s sovereignty and ensure obeisance to an agenda of permanent debt and servitude to the globalists, which was not what people voted for on May 29.
With the petroleum and gas bonanza that awaits exploitation off our West Coast, it is mindless stupidity to pursue policies of decarbonisation. Those undersea assets constitute more than a future of energy independence and prosperity. They represent a lifeline to evade the clutches of vassalage to the WEF.
Decarbonisation is a totally unattainable objective since carbon is an innate part of life. Scientific research shows that the presence of carbon in the atmosphere was as high as 2000 parts per million a million years ago, whereas it is currently around only 430 parts per million. As scientists like Dr. Steven Koonin, formerly undersecretary for science in the Obama Administration, say, the planet needs to increase its carbon footprint so as to benefit nature and population sustainability.
The climate change agenda has nothing to do with saving the planet. It’s an excuse to destroy the economy and transfer wealth into the hands of fewer and fewer people. The desperation of those driving that agenda was illustrated on July 13. Donald Trump is the mortal enemy of the WEF and its adherents because he recognises the evil of their agenda and proved that when he withdrew the US from the Paris Climate Accords in 2018. His return to the White House promises to upend the decarbonisation hoax.
GNU members should sober up to the realities of what decarbonisation means and stand firm against the hoax that it is.
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