The passage of the Climate Change Act and the Leviathan bureaucracy needed to implement it is a tragedy founded on a hoax.
As reported in The Mercury (July 25), the key provisions of the Act require the following: “a national greenhouse emission trajectory requiring ministers to develop and implement measures to address emission targets, mandating major emitting companies to comply with mandatory carbon budgets involving cooperation with provincial and local governments and communities.”
Furthermore, “the Act instructs every organ of state to coordinate programmes and decisions in order to ensure the risks of climate change impacts and associated vulnerabilities are taken into consideration.”
These requirements are guaranteed to bloat the size of government exponentially, diverting resources and taxpayer money into activities that are not based on science but on falsehood. The cost to the economy of implementing this Act is going to waste time and resources that are urgently needed to address our collapsing infrastructure, to say nothing of impoverishment.
What is particularly appalling is that intelligent people like the minister of the environment, Dr. Dion George, are promoting the lie that climate change is influenced by human activities; that he and the DA are blatantly ignoring the historically proven fact that climate change is a natural phenomenon which has been occurring for millennia long before widespread use of fossil fuels.
Given the commitment to decarbonisation specified in the Act, the DA and all those endorsing this uncalled-for legislation should abandon efforts to exploit the carbon-rich oil and gas fields of our west coast. After all, those deposits will wreck the decarbonisation trajectory to which their Climate Change Act is committed.
Like many others who recognise the fallacy that fossil fuels are responsible for climate change, I now regret having voted for the DA.
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