The frequency of opinion pieces that appear in The Mercury promoting China’s socialist policies invariably has a silent subtext. Iris Wu’s vision of a “stronger, modern socialist country” (November 18) is a case in point.
Inevitably, China regards science and technology as the essentials of education, to the virtual exclusion of every other curriculum field. In every paragraph of Wu’s article, technological innovation and science are emphasised with the obvious objective of building “a stronger country.” Although unstated, it is obvious that “stronger” refers to the military capacity and global economic dominance.
In terms of China’s socialism, what constitutes “happiness” is what the Communist Party decides. According to General Secretary Xi Jinping, “prioritising education as it relates to people’s livelihoods is an important precursor to the happiness of the people and to promoting the development of the party.”
From that, it is apparent that social circumstances have to be tailored to what is in the best interests of the Communist Party. It follows, therefore, that Xi Jinping’s claim that development takes place to “meet the needs of the people for a better life,” is disingenuous.
Within the context that China is a one-party dictatorship which promotes groupthink and persecutes those who deviate from the party’s narrative, Iris Wu’s reference to “socialist modernisation” would appear to mean nothing more than fine-tuning the existing state of hegemony.
Despite repetitive references to “the people,” Iris Wu drops her guard at one point when she uses the term “workforce,” which, as units of labour, is how Communism exploits the masses.
The Orwellian direction of China is openly indicated by the line that proclaims “educating people for the party is the principle we must adhere to.” In other words, subjugation by an elite that has criminalised democracy, religion, intellectual diversity and freedom of expression.
In time, by eulogising the Communist Party as the sole arbiter of all aspects of life and thought, propagandists like Iris Wu will find themselves on the wrong side of history.
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