ANC Double Standards On Zindzi Mandela

One wonders who commissar Sihle Zikalala thinks he is deceiving when he defends Zindzi Mandela’s racist, anti-white remarks as being within her rights yet he simultaneously pleads for “reconciliation” on the land issue (Mercury, June 18).

Not only do double standards characterise ANC posturing on racial prejudice – Vicki Momberg was jailed for a less inflammatory racial outburst – but they also inform the ANC’s position on the land issue. Zikalala’s reference to the need for caution in the transfer of land “to the people,” does not square with Zindzi Mandela’s claim (which he does not condemn) that “the land is ours.”

The blunt reality of the situation is that what Zindzi Mandela said is holy writ in terms of the ANC’s national democratic revolution (NDR) forty-year strategy.  Zikalala’s posturing on the issue is merely spin-doctoring in an attempt to allay fears and to obfuscate the path of the NDR. Confirmation of that can be found in Dr Anthea Jeffery’s new edition of People’s War.

Sent into The Mercury and published, June 19, 2019.

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