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OUR POLARISED WORLD: Understanding The Forces Of Darkness

OUR POLARISED WORLD: Understanding The Forces Of Darkness

Thanks to the technology of instantaneous media communication, we are made aware of developments from around the world and within our own neighbourhoods and circles of friends and relatives. Never is human history has such a communication network existed. But, like so many aspects of life it has negative consequences if, through ignorance or lack

Glorifying God and having Job and David moments

Glorifying God and having Job and David moments

Invariably, emphasis in religious practice, sermons, biblical discussion and writings is on the perils of not seeking redemption and of not keeping the faith. Much of what the prophets wrote concerned warnings of dire consequences for failing to heed God’s word. Leviticus and Proverbs, for example, provide critical instruction on correct living. Of course, given

The Curse of Evil

The Curse of Evil

In my previous sermon on Healing, I noted that, cumulatively, there are nearly 1,000 references to processes involving cleansing and healing and that, as such, healing is the major theme running through the Bible. It was, of course, the reason Jesus came on earth – to heal us from sin. Not surprisingly, therefore, references in



Healing is an integral part of life. Our bodies engage in it constantly not just in response to the scrapes of life but in terms of cell replacement and renewal. We may experience psychological healing following tragedy, failure or depression. Socially, healing may take the form of reconciliation. Commercially, health is wealth which means healing

Saul and David – The Timeless Scripture

Saul and David – The Timeless Scripture

Although the lives and times of Saul and David concern the years 1050 and 970 before the birth of Jesus, the scriptures of Samuel’s two books portray and display human characteristics no different from our own times. The human race is endowed with a restless spirit which, as history shows, results in repetitive cycles of

Belief, Trust, Obedience: The Essence Of Faith

Belief, Trust, Obedience: The Essence Of Faith

Faith is the essential core of Christianity. It is given concise expression in the Apostles’ Creed: I believe in God, the Father almighty, creator of heaven and earth. I believe in Jesus Christ, God’s only Son, our Lord, who was conceived by the Holy Spirit, born of the Virgin Mary, suffered under Pontius Pilate, was

Give God The Glory

Give God The Glory

In Paul’s first epistle to the Corinthians: 10:31, he advised: “Whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God.” My submission this evening is derived in part from an article titled ‘Give God the Glory’ by Andrew Bernhardt and also from his book Seeing Jesus. There are

Persecution – Retributive And Redemptive

Persecution – Retributive And Redemptive

There are several forms of persecution: harassment, humiliation, discrimination, rejection, oppression, physical torture, violence, killing. The only time life has been free of persecution was in the Garden of Eden before Adam and Eve sinned. However, even then there was a warning of persecution.  In Genesis 2: 17, God made it clear that, on the

The Resurrection: Applying History To Conquer Scepticism

The Resurrection: Applying History To Conquer Scepticism

The discipline of the historian is based on a very simple premise: No records – No history. Legends, myths and oral traditions may abound. But they do not supply substance to history although they may add some context. So, what are the nuts, screws, bolts, bricks and mortar of history – primary source material, as

Significant Symbolism In Our Redemption

Significant Symbolism In Our Redemption

Alan Foster, a former Elder of FBC who now lives in Brisbane, introduced me to the writings of Max Lucado, an American evangelist who is the author of several books on the Bible. The particular book which inspired much of this discussion is titled He Chose The Nails, published in 2007. In examining the details

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