Columnist Is Wilfully Hidebound

Mushtak Parker’s “Right on the Money” column of November 18 reminds one of the quip: “You got everything right except for all of it.”

Typically Parker, like all the voices of the Left, is incapable of contextualising his remarks. Attempting to denigrate and dismiss a standpoint without considering the circumstances in which it has arisen, does nothing to validate an argument. On the contrary, it leaves the reader with the distinct impression that Parker is wilfully hidebound.

Like all his fellow scribes, Parker indulges in the routine of denigrating Trump as “seriously flawed with a personality unbefitting public office,” thereby insulting the intelligence of  74 million Americans who voted for him and who discerned that he was an infinitely better choice than Kamala Harris.

Parker also demonstrates the blindness of his ilk regarding the reality of the Deep State establishment. Of course, that partly stems from the fact that they are paid to cover that up and to ridicule references to it as conspiracy theories.

Unfortunately for them, their traditional organs of propaganda have been upended by social media and independent platforms of dissemination. It was also obvious in the way the justice system was weaponised against Trump and his supporters which is why Parker is dead wrong in claiming that Trump is part of the “establishment cabal” when he is their mortal enemy.

In 2020 Meta’s Mark Zuckerberg donated $419 million to the Democratic Party to ensure its votes in marginal areas. His donation violated Federal Election regulations. Parker ignores that but charges Musk’s random handouts of $1 million to a few Trump voters in Pennsylvania as “very anti-democratic.”

But where Parker really loses the plot is in claiming that Trump’s policies reflect a “fundamental misunderstanding of how government, the economy and trade works.” Whoever edited Parker’s column before publishing it, should have flagged that statement because Trump’s handling of the US economy between 2017 and 2020 produced the best returns in 50 years.

In theory, Parker is correct in stating that liberal democracy is the best system of governance. But just as he refutes the existence of the Deep State, it is not surprising that he has failed to notice that liberal democracy has been infiltrated, subverted and hijacked by Deep State adherents. The Obama and Biden regimes prove that along with the state of the US Democratic Party.

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